Radio Silence
It suddenly feels like a new year Like I'm a million miles away
from here I can see some kind of light here Although I won't name
I want to talk about moonlight I want to talk about the wild
child, you know That real wild one, dancing alone In the middle of
the whirlpool
Spinning tales about silence About radio silence About some
kind of asylum In the middle of an empty field full of danger
It's strange I don't feel like I'm a stranger I feel like I belong
here I feel like I've been waiting for a long time And now I can
tell you some stories
Stories about the madmen Stories about the dream-child You
know, that real wild one Who dance alone In the middle of the
whirlpool And I can tell you about silence About radio
silence About some kind of asylum In the middle of an empty field
full of danger
If you want it
The Postcard
This is a postcard Saying I'm alright in this beautiful city
This is a phone call Saying, yes, I am sleeping alone here But
the telephone lines are cut My hands can't hold the paper You are
on my mind
Nobody knows your name here, Except when the moon is out And
then they toss in their sleep Crying out for you to take them But
me I cannot sleep, I cannot dream, My heart is shattered You
are on my mind
Once seven colors used to make a man blind And now we are like
birds stuck in barbed wire
Precise, like sunrise A child just like any other Made of the
bones of the earth Fragile and deathless Yes, I'm alright I'm a
church, And I'm burning down
You are on my mind...
The Wind
Your eyes are colored like wind The Wind from the northern
sea A wave on the sand so clear Whoever got me that far must be
laughing Alright, I can laugh as well
So sweet is your touch May I never go free But I'm breaking
away To return unbound And I hear the sound Behind my
shoulder Like the shape of the swan, gliding
And when the trees are bare There will be nowhere to return
to But we stay, believing
Your eyes are colored like wind Bringing incredible news I
don't know if I'm ready, Does it matter? Whoever cut me that
deep I love you And here I stand, transfixed Listening to the
sound of the wind
The Time
Sitting in a corner In my castle made of single-malt and
smoke With all my friends around me And I love them "till I
choke And I watch you dance with someone Someone not even
there And you're simple as in sacrilege And you are pure as in
Somewhere there's a point of no resistance But we make sure
there's no getting there And we're beautiful when we're
animals But so easily scared And I cannot even talk to
you Stricken down as a hunter to its prey Sliding down, down this
hill of glass again And there's nothing I can say
I guess it's just the time I guess it's just the time I guess
it's just the time And I will see you when the time is over
And then the northern wind calls And then curtains part And
then the castle wall falls And there's an arrow in my heart
There's only one way out of prison Which is to set your jailer
free But then, it's just another bunch of pretty words That stand
between the sailor and the sea So forgive me, though I know you never
will Battered by your pride And so I'm locked again within these
castle walls And you freeze alone outside
I guess it's just the time I guess it's just the time I guess
it's just the time And I will see you when the time is
Now that the summer is gone Snow's on the ground I sought and I
found I know what I found is true But the bitter gray sky Fades
into silence Only the fire is left And some say it's not
enough To carry us through
Days of apple bloom white Silver and steel Tales of
webs Spun around a careless heart I dream of the snow-white
seagulls Crying to show me the way But I will stay here with
you And nothing will ever come To tear us apart
Look into my eyes sister No harm will come to you Look into my
eyes sister No harm will come to you
That Voice Again
I hear that voice again I hear that voice again
Seems so simple now Now that the sky is clear Maybe the road
was tough But at last we're here I've nothing to hide from
you Nothing to explain Just this vision of broken wing And the
raven cries in pain
I hear that voice again I hear that voice again
If darkness surrounds you I'll be the fire To guard your
sleep If there's nothing to stand on I will lay myself beneath
your feet I will show the world to you And this world will have no
stain Just hold me now Hold me close Don't let me go But
close your eyes And look away
I hear that voice again
Молодые Львы
Когда в городе станет темно, Когда ветер дует с Невы, Екатерина
смотрит в окно, За окном идут молодые львы.
Они не знают, что значит "зима", Они танцуют, они свободны от
наших потерь! И им нечего делать с собой сейчас, Они войдут, когда
Екатерина откроет им дверь!
А что нужно молодым львам? Что нужно молодым львам? Когда весь
мир готовится лечь к их ногам, И им нечего делать сейчас!
Но я не скажу им ни слова, Я не приму этот бой, потому что это не
бой. Все равно, все, что сделано нами, останется светлым, Все
равно, все, что было моим, возьмет себе кто-то другой!
Так вот вкус наших побед, Вот зелень нашей травы... Екатерина
смотрит в окно, За окном продолжают идти Молодые
Fileds Of My Love
Hello sweet victory So nice meeting you here Mmm, Mmm So
strange when you think about it I never did anything out of my
way I just strayed...
Out in the fields of my love Out in the fields of my love Out
in the fields of my love
Well met and thank you I'm glad you taught me so well It was
fun being around for a while So sad you have to stay here Or, can
you spread out your wings and fly with me...
Out in the fields of my love Out in the fields of my love Out
in the fields of my love
Death of King Arthur
(Poem by Thomas Malory)
Of Lancelot du Lake tell i no more But this by leave these
ermytes seven. But still Kynge Arthur lieth there, and Quene
Guenever, As I you newyn.
And Monkes That are right of lore Who synge with moulded
stewyn Ihesu, who hath woundes sore, Grant us the blyss of
Real Slow Today
This is a dangerous tale Of oxygen and flame Tale of running
away Nowhere to run All I can see is you Visions of water in
the desert sun Stay...
Things gonna get real slow today Things gonna get real slow
today Takes one prisoner Takes one to show him the way Then
comes this lesson in natural history
And these ladies are laughing at me Can I join the fun? I know
I'm haunted, keeps the flame bright I guess I can say I'm
alright Just a burning arrow stuck in my heart Well, anyway...
And some people say that We shouldn't cross this line But there
is no line Only the sky I want to see you smile Want to feel us
get up and fly Shouldn't we?
Things gonna get real slow today Things gonna get real slow
today Takes one prisoner Takes one to show him the way Then
comes this lesson in natural history
This city is on fire tonight Sweet forest fire silent and
unseen The sleepers awaken Your eyes are open I know you're
smiling at me Some people say you're not here anymore But your
trees stand proud And laugh and let them pass So mischievous and
holy And this is a question I'll never want to ask
There's a moon out there and she wants to be growing There's a
river down here and she wants to go back to the sea I am your child,
mother Crying to be consoled I recognize you now Do you
recognize me?
There's a part of me that wants to be silent Immersed in your
movement Stung by your grace And here is your song, and I'll sing
it I'm coming home I've never been away
There's a moon out there and she wants to be growing There's a
river down here and she wants to go back to the sea
I am your child, mother Crying for you to console me Now that I
know you Do you recognize me?
There's a moon out here and she wants to be growing Here's a river
down here and she wants to go back to the sea I am your
child, mother Crying to be consoled Now that I know
you Recognize me!
(А. Вертинский - Н. Гумилев)
И вот мне приснилось что сердце мое не болит Оно колокольчик
фарфоровый в желтом Китае На пагоде пестрой висит и тихонько
звенит В эмалевом небе дразня журавлиные стаи
И кроткая девушка в платье из красных шелков где золотом вышиты
осы, цветы и драконы с поджатыми ножками тихо без мысли, без
слов внимательно слушает тихие-тихие звоны